Lace Wings in Stillness         The stillness of my dragonfly amazes me. Steady, unmoving, as though, it is in suspended animation. It's very presence puts me there too.
Waterfall #6 - Stick Wizard        The many arms and fingers of the Stick Wizard beguiles the water into beauty as it falls through the green into the flow of life.
Wisteria Gate     I pass through you, to, I don't know where, ever hopeful for a new beginning.
Garden of Love      Transcending the bronze and stone rigidity, their love explodes amongst the opulent greenery.
Damn Paparazzi       Everyone loves a star. Chipmunks and their skitering egos, pose for the cameras, but won't tell us what they really know.
Stairway to Heaven      Opulence affords a sense of peace if you can find your way to it and are allowed access. But nothing is permanent.
Water Wonder      Submerged in innocence, the wonder never ceases, as a watery world unfolds before a newly forming vision.
Gilded Cage         A Filoli conservatory sits with gilded cage to house our souls and lock us away, unable to fly, the ever present opulence surrounding us as we melt into the greenery for relief.
Walk me to the Moon       Walking the path, I learn that the moon is full and so am I.
Marmot Moment        Do I know you well enough to allow you to feed me. I think I'll help myself.
Where Do Sky and Ocean Meet       Looking out the windows the blues merge in me, seeing a blending of natures greatest gift to life.
Jeremy Joy       Eyes popping, tongue poking out.. Hell... the guy's a happy camper... Go with it.
Eating Cake       The wildest wedding I've ever been to. Rare Mutton and gleeful children... Happy insanity
Peter Pan and the Light of Learning      Looking for your books to find your way through this human life, we need the  hallowed halls of the Library to raise the brain to get us through the endless flow of the torrent of ignorance and deception.
The Bhuda and the Mansion         We become what we think. I think we have become a wayward child whose need for marble halls and gigantic hordes has outpaced his humanity. So confront the ego with love.
Jeremy Mine       You can't have my dandelion, it's mine, mine, mine... This flower will rule the world some day and I must protect it all costs.
Mowing Lesson         Learning the push and cut, the noise the bind. Stan and Jeremy connect in harmony with the din of the engine singing along.
Skirting the Mists       Riding the wind, zooming along, the fog forming and about to envelop you, you ask yourself... How can it be any better.
Peregrine Portrait       Bucky, you bon vevon hawk, you. Those eyes and even disposition, belie a beasty of astounding speed. 240 mph, the blink of an eye and you are gone in a flash.

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